Complaints Procedure

BelfastTrad aims to provide high quality service to our members and to other groups and individuals that attend our classes and events. We are committed to providing a high standard of service and to continuously improving and extending what we can offer.

However, we recognise that there may be occasions when things go wrong. It is important that you tell us when this happens so that we can deal speedily with the problem you have raised. Feedback really does help us to improve the quality of our work.

General complaints procedure:

If you are unhappy about any of our services, we undertake to deal quickly and effectively with the matter. As a first step, we suggest that you contact the member of staff (tutor) concerned to see if the problem can be resolved to your satisfaction. The BelfastTrad committee or staff will do everything they can to put things right, including reviewing procedures to stop problems happening again.

If you are not happy with the response, or if you do not know which member of staff to contact, please follow the steps outlined:

  1. All complaints should be made to the Committee Chair (by mail) or our designated contact person (by email) in writing. This will be acknowledged within three working days. Contact details are at the end of this page.

  2. The Chair or designated person will investigate the issues raised and let you have BelfastTrad’s response to the complaint normally within ten working days. Should the investigation require further time, an acknowledgment letter will be sent to you in the first instance, followed by a full response.

  3. If you do not feel that the Committee Chair’s or designated person’s response is acceptable, you have the right to ask for your complaint to be referred to a complaints panel. The panel consists of the secretary of BellfastTrad and two members of BelfastTrad’s Committee. You will be advised of the date the panel meets and you may attend the meeting to make representation. You may also bring someone with you if you wish for personal support.

  4. You will be notified of the panel’s decision within five working days of its meeting.

  5. BelfastTrad members are entitled to raise any issue in relation to the management and administration of the organisation at the Annual General Meeting. Our AGMs are held in June. Please contact the Chair at least eight weeks before the advertised date of the meeting who will advise you on the steps to take.

Contact the Chair:
(By post or email)

Tom Clarke
9 Ardmore Avenue
Belfast BT7 3HD
02890 208 909

Contact the Designated Contact Person
(By post or email)