Safeguarding Policy
BelfastTrad is committed to a practice which protects children, young people, and vulnerable adults from harm. Staff, tutors, artists and volunteers in the organisation accept and recognise their responsibilities under the Children (NI) Order 1995, Co-operating to Safeguard Children DHSSP 2003, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults-A Shared Responsibility 2010 to provide an environment which promotes safety at all times.
We will endeavour to carry these out by:
1. Having an awareness of the issues that could lead to children, young people, or vulnerable adults being harmed being harmed.
2. Adopting safeguarding protection guidelines for staff, tutors, artists and volunteers.
3. Providing information about Safeguarding and good practice to children, young people, adults, primary carers, staff, volunteers and artists
4. Sharing information about concerns with those who need to know
5. Following carefully the procedures, recruitment, and selection of helpers (staff, volunteers, artists) and the management of the group,
6. Undertaking appropriate training
7. Keeping Safeguarding policies and procedures under regular review
8. Providing information as required to management committees and funders.
This Updated Safeguarding Policy statement was formally adopted by the Committee of BelfastTrad on 7th December, 2016.
Contact The Society on its Mobile Number
Safeguarding Officer